Nyima Trengwa
Slashing Breeze


Player: Cam
Chronicle: Golden Nights
Status: PC
Sentai: Opal Teeth
Concept: Kailindorini Initiate
Fera: Garou
Tribe: Stargazers
Camp: none
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Ragabash (waxing)
Nature: Cub
Demeanor: Dreamer
Rank: 1 (Cliath/Wood)
Renown: Glory 1/0, Honor 1/0, Wisdom 1/0
Apparent Age: 12
Real Age: 12
First Change: 2010


Physical: Strength 2/4/6/5/3, Dexterity 2/2/3/4/4, Stamina 2/4/5/5/4
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2/1/0/0/0, Appearance 3/2/0/0/3
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3


Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Dodge 3, Empathy 2, Primal-Urge 1
Skills: Cooking 1, Kailindo 2, Meditation 1, Melee 1, Stealth 1
Knowledge: Cosmology 1, Culture 1, Enigmas 1, Garou Lore 1, Linguistics (putonghua, tibetan) 2, Medicine 1, Occult 1, Rituals 1


Gifts: 1) Balance, Blur of the Milky Eye, Create Element, Persuasion
Rites: 1) Rite of Feeding the Ghosts, Rite of Talisman Dedication
Backgrounds: Kinfolk 1, Mentor 2, Money 2, Past Life 2, Pure Breed 2
Rage: 2
Gnosis: 3
Willpower: 5
Merits: Early Riser (1)
Flaws: Shy (1), Soft-Hearted (1)

Miscellaneous Notes

Tribal Weakness: Obsessive Mind Games (failed Enigmas rolls triggers introverted obsession with mysteries)
Dedicated Items: Clothes (1)
Banality (unusable): 4
Creativity: 1
Derangements: none


Style: Kailindo (external/hard)
Special Maneuvers (Brawl): Ear Pop, Foot Sweep, Spinning Thrust Kick, Throw, Tornado Kick
Special Maneuvers (Dodge): Deflecting Punch, Disengage, Displacement, Evasion, Kick Defense, Punch Defense
Special Maneuvers (Athletics): Breakfall, Drunken Monkey Roll, Jump, Kippup
Special Maneuvers (Shapeshifting): Fading Breeze, Melting
Special Maneuvers (Melee): Great Blow, Parry
Combinations (unarmed): Displacement/Spinning Thrust Kick/Tornado Kick
Combinations (armed): none
Melee Weapons Techniques: Blades, Fist-Loads, Staff
Ranged Weapons Techniques: none
Firearms Techniques: none
Common Weapons: Jo Staff (Diff. 6, Dmg: Str+1, Conceal: J)
Armor: none

Experience Points:


Cost (Base/Final): 8/18
Power: 50
Rage: 6
Gnosis: 3
Willpower: 5
Charms: Airt Sense, Reform
Special Abilities: Can speak to sentai
Traits: +3 Rage; +3 Brawl, +3 Melee, +3 Survival
Bans: Save the tigers!

What is this?

Career Class: Dilettante
Drive: Passive
Social Activity: Introvert
Long Term Goals: 1) Master Kailindo; 2) Help the humans of Tibet
Short Term Goals: 1) Train diligently under "G-San"; 2) Learn an eclectic variety of Kailindo techniques from local and passing-through Stargazers
Religion: Animism
Politics: Theocracy
Sex: Heterosexual/Monogamous
Traits: dsds
Additional Notes: none
