Duan Sai
"Warden of the Den"


Player: Cam
Chronicle: Circle of Blood
Status: PC
Court: Bamboo Talons
Position: Guardian of the Sheltered Waters
Sentai: Chisel of the Splendid Wall
Shizu: Spirit of the Silver Spring
Concept: Den Protector
Fera: Garou
Tribe: Dadi Ertong (Children of Gaia)
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Philodox (waxing)/Lantern
Direction: Center
Element: Moon
Nature: Caregiver
Demeanor: Defender
Rank: 2 (Fostern/Iron)
Renown: Glory 1/0, Virtue 4/0, Wisdom 1/0
Apparent Age: 24
Real Age: 26
First Change: 2008


Physical: Strength 2/4/6/5/3, Dexterity 3/3/4/5/5, Stamina 3/5/6/6/5
Social: Charisma 4 (genial), Manipulation 3/2/0/0/0, Appearance 4/3/0/0/4 (alluring)
Mental: Perception 4 (sensitive), Intelligence 3, Wits 3


Talents: Alertness 5 (children), Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy 3, Intimidation 1, Leadership 2, Primal-Urge 2, Style 1, Subterfuge 1
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Drive 1, Etiquette 2, Gardening 2, Meditation 2, Melee 2, Security 1, Stealth 2, Survival 1
Knowledge: Academics 1, Cosmology 1, Culture 2, Enigmas 4 (visual puzzles), Garou Lore 2, Hengeyokai Lore 2, Herbalism 2, Investigation 1, Linguistics (cantonese, putonghua, wu, xiang) 2, Medicine 2, Metaphysics 1, Occult 2, Politics 1, Rituals 3, Spirit Lore 1


Gifts: 1) Mother's Touch, Persuasion, Scent of the True Form, Truth of Gaia; 2) Armor of Yue, Calm
Rites: 1) Assembly Rite, Rite of Cleansing, Rite of the Opened Dragon Nest, Rite of Talisman Dedication; 2) Rite of Accomplishment
Backgrounds: Contacts 1, Fetishes 2, Kinfolk 3, Past Life 2, Pure Breed 3, Resources 1
Rage: 3
Gnosis: 5
Willpower: 6
Merits: Animal Magnetism (1), Favorable Guanxi (1), Mystic Ability: danger sense for own Kinfolk (2)
Flaws: Forced Transformation: Crinos when children are threatened (3), Territorial (2)

Miscellaneous Notes

Fetishes: Kinship Doll
Dedicated Items: Clothing (1)
Tribal Weakness: Weak Veil
Banality (unusable): 5
Creativity: 2
Derangements: none


Style: none (streetfighting)
Special Maneuvers (Brawl): Throw
Special Maneuvers (Dodge): Evasion, Grappling Defense, Kick Defense, Punch Defense
Special Maneuvers (Athletics): Breakfall, Jump, Kippup
Special Maneuvers (Shapeshifting): Hamstring, Leaping Rake, Melting, Neck Bite
Special Maneuvers (Melee): Great Blow, Parry, Riposte, Smash
Combinations (unarmed): Melting/Leaping Rake/Neck Bite
Combinations (armed): Riposte/Smash/Great Blow
Melee Weapons Techniques: Blades, Blunt Weapons, Fist-Loads, Polearms, Staff
Ranged Weapons Techniques: none
Firearms Techniques: none
Common Weapons: Bo (Diff. 6, Dmg: Str+2, Conceal: N)
Armor: none

Experience Points:


Twister (Shizu)
Cost (Base/Final): 5/20
Chi: 50
Rage: 8
Gnosis: 7
Willpower: 5
Charms: Dragon Sight, Reform, Updraft
Special Abilities: Can speak to pack
Traits: +1 Enigmas; pack may split +1 Dexterity, +1 Strength, and +2 Primal-Urge as they choose
Bans: Twister's children insists they destroy something before they leave a dwelling.


Dragonfly (Sentai)
Cost (Base/Final): 3/20
Chi: 70
Rage: 6
Gnosis: 6
Willpower: 7
Charms: Dragon Sight, Nature Sense, Reform, Swift Flight
Special Abilities: Can speak to sentai; all members can use traits; can always locate members
Traits: +2 Alertness, +1 Brawl, +1 Dodge
Bans: Her children must always act patient but swiftly when a decision is reached; also protect dragonflies from harm (such as halting insecticides).

What is this?

Career Class: Warrior
Drive: Assertive
Social Activity: Extrovert
Long Term Goals: 1) Raise a stable and healthy family with Qu; 2) Juggle life as a mother and warrior
Short Term Goals: 1) Seek a healthy spiritual balance between Rage and will, perhaps through meditation; 2) Create a stronger Kinfolk network
Religion: Animism
Politics: Theocracy
Sex: Heterosexual/Monogamous
Traits: Compassionate, Adoring, Devoted, Protective, Sheltered, Reflective, Inspiring
Additional Notes: none
