Sagara Maya

Nü'er of the Baoyue
Adren Aunt of the Black Furies
Steel Minister of Human Benevolence
Pillar of the Watchers of the Onyx Tower
Half-Moon of the Spirit of the Silver Spring
Lunar Eagle of the Court of Bamboo Talons


Homid: ~Simply pretty, in an earthy and tomboyish fashion: that sums up Sagara’s rustic demeanor. Clad in dark, casual, and loose-fitting cotton slacks and shirt, Sagara makes little attempt to accentuate her attractive face. She wears her black hair short, usually combed back and aside to not impair the learned sparkle of dark-brown eyes. Sagara is lean and strong, often wearing mountain-hiking boots on her feet and a rucksack over the shoulder. A smile does not come easy to her lips. But those who witness her joy can tell it was their honesty and courage that summoned that expression. The silver-tongued neither impress nor fool this morally-upright, soldier-like young woman apparently budding her twenties. The Malaysian girl is only average of stature at 5’4” and 125 pounds, but she marches everywhere she goes.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 2; Glory 5, Virtue 9, Wisdom 5

Glabro: ~Dark hair lengthens and juts out wildly, and her sideburns streak down to her jaws. Her clothing strains as weight-lifter muscles fill out. Her lips twitch and her eyes burn: that is the Glabro of Sagara Maya.~

OOC: Appearance 2; Pure Breed 2; Glory 5, Virtue 9, Wisdom 5

Crinos: ~Springing up from six feet tall to eight and a half, Sagara sheds all likeness of humanity save the keen glint in fiery, lupine eyes. Clothing vanishes, and smooth, inky-black fur replaces the garments. Supple and powerful in build and stature, the werewolf’s Crinos form boasts terrifying, long claws and carnivorous rows of deadly teeth. Set bipedally, Sagara’s whole body heaves with momentum, ready to unleash the Wrath.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 2; Delirium; Glory 5, Virtue 9, Wisdom 5

Hispo: ~On all fours, the massive werewolf is a swift predator of the wilderness. The claws that rake, the jaws that snap; Sagara is a ferocious testament to that legend. Abyssmal fur sheens all over her lupine body, and the preternatural fury of the Garou looms in the killer’s eyes.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 2; Glory 5, Virtue 9, Wisdom 5

Lupus: ~Assuming her natural shape, Sagara is a fierce black wolf of ever-attentive, keen awareness. Prowling along quietly, Sagara misses little in this normal-seeming shape that often bristles at even the most distant threats and human blights.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 2; Glory 5, Virtue 9, Wisdom 5

"So having 'bollocks' is how you define your manhood? (sound of gory flesh-tearing and screaming) What are you now?"



Malaysian rainforests: one of the world’s final frontiers was also home to Memory-of-Marut. Also called Sagara Maya, this young Garou spent her early days acclimating to life in the jungle. Although a wild wolf, she and her cubmates were forced to evade tigers and human hunters alike. Life was often a challenge that saw the loss of several siblings through her maturation. But nevertheless, young Sagara enjoyed nature. As a cub, she rolled in the grass and mud, chased butterflies and civets, and reveled in simple being.

First Change & Tutelage

However, the Darwinian nature of Mother Earth caught up with her family. A tiger discovered their den and fell upon the wolves in hunger. Sagara observed all of her family ripped to ribbons before the fear and anger overwhelmed her primitive consciousness. Suddenly, the tiger was dwarfed as Sagara found her true form, the dread Crinos. The tiger was pounced and slain. When the deed was done, the new werewolf returned to her natural form and fled into the rainforest. Bloody leaves were left in her wake as she sought to escape the terror of her unexpected transformation.

For three days, Sagara wandered deeper into the woods than she ever explored. Fear became confusion and curiousity. But as karma had it, she belonged to a family of lupine kin to the Baoyue, and their Sept was not far. Known in the West as the Black Furies, fate guided Sagara closer to her true family. Tal Three-Claws found the Garou Cub, approaching carefully and thereby winning Sagara’s trust. Tal, a metis under the gibbous moon, was so named because she was born with only one forepaw/arm. She spent her days learning all there was to know of the Baoyue and Garou. Therefore, Sagara was most fortunate to encounter and earn the mentorship of such a learned werewolf.

Tal brought Sagara to the Sept of Sixteen Seasons, hidden within the Malaysian rainforests. There Sagara met her true sisters at last. She found herself among two dozen brave Black Furies. Among her sisters, and especially from Tal, Sagara learned the ritual lifestyle of the Garou, as well as much history and purpose. Sagara also discovered that she was born under the sign of the half moon, and her keen yet introspective mind seemed quite appropiate for the tasks involved. So in less than the passing of three moons, Sagara was ready to undergo her Rite of Passage.

The Grandmother of the Sept decided to test Sagara by attaching the cub to the Sept’s pack of bold Freebooters for one month. Sagara found herself among five other werewolves, most of them much more experienced than she. Though they welcomed her, they also warned her how dangerous it would be. Only Shandra Cracks-the-Boulder tried to frighten Sagara -- it was Shandra’s idea of vigorously testing the cub. And since Shandra was the pack beta, she had plenty of space to act. The Freebooters went forth into Southeast Asia, out of Malaysia entirely. Their trek eventually brought them into Bangladesh. High in the mountains, a cave hideaway was discovered. A few ancient but broken pieces of crockery suggested it was once used. But the spiritual essence emanating from the cave suggested something more. And once the rituals were performed, it was confirmed: this was a caern lost long ago in the forest and mountains. Shandra suggested it might have once been the sanctuary for a living Buddha or holy man. The pack hardly cared, however, since there was no evidence of any lingering curses. It just seemed to be a perfect but well-hidden -- until then -- little Dragon Nest.

So Shandra volunteered to stay behind and guard the place, and Sagara was asked to stay, too. The young lupus and her superior curiously probed and poked about the place while the other four Freebooters returned home to summon other Baoyue. For about one week, the two were alone. They hunted for food, shared stories of one another’s pasts, and occasionally sparred. Slowly, Sagara grew to like Shandra. And Shandra grew more friendly with Sagara -- though she never lost her stern, competitive edge, as if she was still testing the cub.

But before the Freebooters could return with back-up to fully secure the place, the caern was attacked. Only Sagara and Shandra were there to defend it from what appeared to be horrible goblins sneaking up through the trees towards the cave. Whether it was their daily forays for food, or the Freebooters’ original discovery of the cave, oni were approaching. They tried to sneak upon the two Garou in the day as they rested. But Sagara’s keen senses alerted them to the threat. In an instant, Shandra was ready for business. A dozen goblins fell upon the pair. Sagara did her best, but could barely hold her own against even a few of the twisted, humanoid demons. Shandra did better, but the pair were still horribly outnumbered with no promise of relief.

And the ambush waged on for an hour. Several oni lay dead at both werewolves’ furious claws. But they were reinforced with another half-dozen, so it was still ten to two and both Garou bore their own share of injuries. The goblins attacked, and Shandra unleashed a furious final stand. Inspired, Sagara rushed to her comrade’s side. The goblins were repelled at last, many falling dead at the end of lashing claws and snapping jaws. But just as the two thought the fight might finally be done, an oni released a final strike as he fled. A devilish axe hurtled through the air through the woods. Sagara was the target, but she did not detect the cowardly “final word”. With a shout, Shandra threw herself in its path and took the deadly blow in the heart. Unaware of the fatal blow it dealt, the goblins fully retreated while Sagara dropped by her comrade, stricken.

Shandra faded to her natural human form, and Sagara obliged her with the same. There was nothing Sagara could do to help the overwhelmed Garou, and Shandra died in her arms. For the first time, Sagara wept. Luckily, the Freebooters and other Black Furies returned before the goblins could attack again. Shandra was taken back to the Sept of Sixteen Seasons, and Sagara accompanied the Freebooters back. A proper dirge was performed in Shandra’s honor, and in the same moot Sagara was promoted to the first rank among Garou. The Grandmother of the Sept asked Sagara where she would like to be. Unsurprisingly, with her feelings entangled with duty regarding the Freebooters and Shandra Cracks-the-Boulder, Sagara requested assignment to the Freebooters. Needing to fill the hole Shandra left, Sagara was accepted.

Early Years

Unfortunately, her stay with the Freebooters would be short-lived. Though she adjusted well to the rough, bold, and fast-paced life of these adventurers, dharma schemed. For nearly a year, Sagara’s calmer and inverted mentality often kept her aloof from her packmates. She cautioned prudence while they rushed head-long into action. But things really deteriorated when Sagara discovered a terrible secret about the only other lupus in the pack, the older Windy Reeds. Windy Reeds was always rather xenophobic. She barely tolerated homid breed Garou, even among her Baoyue sisters. She was all fire, and it seemed Gaia had chosen Sagara to be the water to Windy’s dangerous flames.

The problem began when Sagara literally smelled the uncouth stench of unusual meat on Windy’s breath. She said nothing, but began to loosely accompany the Rank 2 Ahroun on hunts. The Freebooters passed through many forests and nearby, unmarked human villages and settlements. Sagara learned the horrible truth: Windy Reeds was taking out her hatred on unsuspecting humans. Most of her victims -- and there was at least one a week -- were also consumed almost whole, to avoid discovery. Men, women, even children -- Windy did not differentiate. Although Sagara was born a wolf herself, and had only witnessed difficulties with ordinary human beings, she bore the wisdom and balance due a Philodox. She knew what Windy did was wrong. Finally, in late autumn of 2000, after observing the scary Ahroun’s behavior for a month, Sagara decided to confront Windy Reeds.

While the rest of the pack scouted a new territory out, Sagara and Windy guarded camp. That is where Sagara interrogated the full moon. Using the Truth of Gaia, Sagara soon obtained a confession from Windy Reeds. But it was not without retribution. Windy had no sooner admitted to the murders than she pounced on the young Philodox like lightning. Sagara scarcely had a chance. Both were in war-form in a heart-beat, but Sagara could only hope to deflect blows from the fast and furious warrior. She fell back, wounded, but managed to dash a desperate blow across Windy’s maw. The strike dazed the older werewolf, enabling Sagara to skedaddle. She managed to escape into the woods before Windy could find her. But Windy Reeds chased her nonetheless. It took every drop of effort in Sagara’s body and will to catch up to the rest of the pack before Windy found her. The Freebooters, sorry about the news, but not particularly surprised, turned the hunt back on the corrupted lupus.

Windy Reeds was stalked down by the end of that night and beaten into submission. She was dragged back to the Sept of Sixteen Seasons for punishment. There she suffered the Stone of Scorn while Sagara was praised. But she was allowed to remain a Freebooter. So naturally, Sagara requested a transfer out of that assignment. Her packmates understood why fully. Overcome with shame of having broken the pack, and fear of reprisal from Windy Reeds (despite the others’ assurances), she was allowed to leave the Freebooters. She returned to the Sept of Sixteen Seasons to start her life over and seek a new path to walk for Gaia and Chandra (Luna).

Thus, for almost three years Sagara worked faithfully for the Sept. She earned respect slowly and gradually, but quite steadily and determinedly. She learned more of the ways of the Baoyue, and was eventually prepared to challenge for the second rank. She confronted Tal Three-Claws with the request, and the metis graciously accepted. Tal tested the young half moon with a riddle contest, asking her: “My sister lies pregnant once a month; my sister is the untouched virgin; so who am I?” After a moment’s deliberation, Sagara answered: “You are Surya, the sun!” And Tal praised Sagara’s quick wit. The next moot, Sagara’s promotion was announced. By the following moot, the sturdy Philodox was given a truthsaying duty in the Sept, entitled the Eye of the Black Mother. In these facilities, Sagara earned her keep and renown. She was accorded one of the Sept’s most worthy members.

Just as Sagara’s life was on high, violence exploded in the jungle not far from the Sept’s territories. Many bodies were discovered in the brush, blood staining leaves. Human women numbering in the scores were discovered bits at a time, most of them without their skin. Spirits and werewolf detectives went to work, soon determining that vampires were responsible for these grisly murders. Taking offense at the unreasonable targeting of women, and the horrible methods of death, the Baoyue probed their neighbors. For ages, the Black Furies of the Far East were aware of the shen in their many colors. And while they were more tolerant of Kuei-jin and chi’n ta than their Western compadres tended to be, there was no excuse for this slaughter.

Thus, a spirit envoy delivered a warning from the Sept of Sixteen Seasons to the not-too-distant Court of Masked Flames. The penangallan of this Golden Court, of course, ignored the directives from a bunch of a silly, mortal shapeshifters. The jungles remained a charnel house of young human women…for a week after the warning was sent and ignored. Even if the culprit vampires were not members of the Court of Masked Flames, it was their duty to stop those responsible. But since the Baoyue did not even receive a reply from their warning, they could only assume the Kuei-jin Court was behind the slaughter. So the Baoyue went to war!

The battles between penangallan and Baoyue lasted more than one long, vicious month. Many warriors and servants died on both sides of the war. The war seemed to be evenly matched in casualty and strength. But the vampires had an ace up their sleeve. Luring the Garou away from their Dragon Nest by making their provincial estates seem vulnerable with low security, most of the Sept joined the assault on that base. But meanwhile, the main force of the penangallan assaulted the caern. Sagara was on guard duty at that time, among many others. It was her keen foresight and attentiveness that spotted the attempted back door assault, and her howls that roused all the Guardians, spirits, and Kin to what would be the final battle of that midnight war. Sagara had her share of blood that night. The battle was arduous and savage, but the alerted Baoyue had “home field advantage”, and soon turned the tides. The penangallan, defeated, retreated to distant havens. The Sept rebuilt itself as much as it could, and Sagara was rewarded and renowned like many other distinguishing participants of that brutal conflict.

Recent Years

And in time, Sagara’s reputation spread far and wide. Her name circulated among the hengeyokai Beast-Courts, as did the actions of the Baoyue in their honorable victory over the penangallan. Envoys from the hengeyokai began to filter into the Sept of Sixteen Seasons. The generous gifts they brought helped the Baoyue rebuild their home and open their will to communication. The Baoyue became receptive to the hengeyokai, though refused to officially ally -- and certainly not take up the Great Burden yet.

But the Sept elders decided that they needed a diplomat to learn more about the hengeyokai overall. Sagara’s (comparatively) cool, prudent mind and astute intellect made her a natural choice. She dutifully accepted the offer to act as a diplomat. The hengeyokai suggested she visit with the Court of Bamboo Talons. For although this Beast-Court was located in America, it was one of the few multi-cultural minglings of hengeyokai from all over the Middle Kingdom. Sagara did not mind traveling to the West, so it was settled. Soon she herself took up the Great Burden to represent her tribe, and applied her search for wisdom and harmony between peoples of all creeds, colors, and genders to the powerful new Beast-Court.


Sands of Sleep
Level: 3
Gnosis: 6
Origin: The fetish was awarded to Sagara from the Master of the Challenge at the Sept of Sixteen Seasons, back in Malaysia, for three years of outstanding service as the caern's truthsayer.
Description: This small, dark-brown leather sack contains a white sand-like substance (which vanishes upon contact with solids or liquids).
Effects: 1) Any target who has sand sprayed upon him from the bag must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 6) or immediately fall into a deep sleep for one hour.
Activation: The bag must be swung open-end first, toward a target with a softly murmured Tantrick chant to sleep. The sand sprays forth and spreads its magic on the subject. After each use, new sand (of any sort) must be placed back in the bag.

Untempered Temper

Like many of her Tribe, Sagara has the tendency to fly off the handle at insults that hardly merit this common retaliation. Anything perceived to be overly chauvinistic can invite a punch at least from this Baoyue. If she intends to serve the Emerald Mother harmoniously, she must learn to balance patience and calm with just fury and Rage.

Likelihood of Corruption


She tries to be fair and prudent, but her Rage often gets the better of her -- as with all Garou. And while that Rage is terrifying to behold, and perhaps the key to defeating the forces of Yomi, it is also the werewolves' greatest easily expanded if caution is not taken.


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