Kelsey Banks
“Winking Moonlight”

Black Furies
Ragabash of the Long Road
Athro of the Sept of the Moon Lake


Height: 5'7"
Weight: 146 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long simple blonde
Clothing: Black business casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Attractive middle-aged woman of confident bearing; slashing scars across her forearms, scarred gash across her left upper brow
Supernatural Qualities: Always punctual and timeous; of high and proud pedigree in her comportment
Accoutrements: Light jewelry and make-up granting a feminine look that contrasts with the freakin' double-headed battle-axe she carries (if expecting a fight); often also carries a flap of ugly-brown leather rolled and strung up around a cord worn as a necklace
Traits: Appearance 4 (stunning); Style 2; Pure Breed 3; Glory 7, Honor 5, Wisdom 6

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 178 lb.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long wild dirty-blonde
Supernatural Qualities: Always punctual and timeous; of high and proud pedigree in her comportment
Traits: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 3; Glory 7, Honor 5, Wisdom 6

Height: 8'2"
Weight: 308 lb.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: Always punctual and timeous; of high and proud pedigree in her comportment; most of all, a terrifying werewolf monster!
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 3; Glory 7, Honor 5, Wisdom 6; Full Delirium

Height: 8'4"
Weight: 327 lb.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: Always punctual and timeous; of high and proud pedigree in her comportment; most of all, a terrifying dire wolf the size of a lion!
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 3; Glory 7, Honor 5, Wisdom 6

Height: 4'0"
Weight: 151 lb.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: Always punctual and timeous; of high and proud pedigree in her comportment
Traits: Appearance 4 (stunning); Pure Breed 3; Glory 7, Honor 5, Wisdom 6

"That was funny. Yes! Very funny."

"...Clean what's left of him up."


Date of Birth: November 28th, 1965
Home: Bend, Oregon, United States
Family: Burt and Sheila Banks (parents), Mary (older sister)
First Change: Observed Injustice (older sister's boyfriend abused her, disrespected parents, and even made passes at the teenage Kelsey, finally had enough when she saw her sister getting beaten and flew into a frenzy that ripped him to pieces and terrified her sister who, despite that she must have been Kin, was fully Veiled by the experience), 1980
Mentor: Nelisa McDurney
The Test: Trial by Combat (the small local Sept sought her out after the incident though downplayed reached the news; a Fianna guided her and arranged for her departure from her family; she met other cubs and underwent Rite of Passage with them--it was a disaster, the pack fell into a trap laid by Black Spiral Dancers, who defeated and captured them all, killing some and corrupting the rest; she was able to feign submission and willingness to be fully corrupted before the Spiral; as her packmates fell before visions of the Wyrm Totems, she bided her time, then lashed out last second, slaying her fellow cubs turned traitor and escaping in the confusion)
Comrades: Agatha Frederick, Dinos Agnati, Noah Elpalet, Siobhan Wilder
Key Event #1: War (the alpha of that Black Spiral pack, which she knew only by his vile deed name of Breaks-the-Soul, swore vengeance on the treacherous Ragabash, and she in turn; for years following her Rite of Passage, the two werewolves clashed and set traps for each other, losing tribemates along the way; the proximity with which she came to the Spiral always haunted her thereafter)
Key Event #2: Awe & Wonder (Kelsey tempered her cold vengeance by mentoring new cubs, especially new generations of Black Furies)
Key Event #3: War (Breaks-the-Soul did not relent however and dispatched Banes not after Kelsey but after her Kinfolk and other wards to corrupt and possess and defile them; she responded by becoming a fearless and renowned Umbral demon-hunter, willing and able to confront the Banes beyond the Gauntlet)
Key Event #4: Awe & Wonder (her adventures beyond the Periphery also became a fascination with the strange Near Realms, daring to explore and invade any that the Umbral pathways led to)
Transition: Shift in Nature (at last, the Garou urged Kelsey to settle and take on a more elder-like role mentoring cubs and guiding Septs; however, with those obligations came privileges that she employed to keep an eye out for schemes of her old Black Spiral nemesis)

Past Life

Magnitude: Her memories of ancestral past lives date back only to turn of the century.
Details: She recalls a Black Fury pathfinder and Freebooter who knowingly set up Pure Land Garou caerns for conquest by other tribes.

Battle Scars

Class: Superficial
Description: Faint slash marks as if clawed by a rabid beast
Location: Forearms (both)
Origin: Frantic claw injuries from a corrupted packmate during her Rite of Passage
Effects: none

Class: Superficial
Description: Gashing diagonal scar
Location: Forehead (above the left brow)
Origin: The lashing tentacle of a powerful Bane she destroyed
Effects: none


Appearance: Strip of brown, ugly, reptilian leather rolled and strung upon a cowskin thong
Origin: Creation
Effects: The wearer is perceived as a Bane by Banes until aggression is triggered
Activation: The skin must be unrolled and slapped onto the wearer's forehead.

Labrys of Isthmene
Appearance: A large two-handed double-headed battle-axe made of bronze, the hilt etched with mythological symbols
Origin: Gift
Effects: Inflict aggravated damage and grant the wielder Spirit of the Fray
Activation: Heft the axe and call out to the Gorgons of War in ancient Greek.

Significant Others

Names: Dinos Agnati, 2005; Agatha Frederick, 2010
Nature: Romantic; Companionship



Never Forgive

Kelsey will never rest until Breaks-the-Soul has been utterly destroyed and her first packmates avenged. Fellow Garou have inadvertently crossed the path of this revenge before and she has no compunctions about employing her current pack- or Sept-mates against the vile traitors to Gaia, even at the cost of their lives.

Likelihood of Corruption


Though she's intelligent and balanced, she's been battling this obsession of vengeance for a very long time.


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