Trevor Grady

Half Moon of Nix
CEO of Grady X, Inc.
Adren Board Member of Jeremiah Industries


Homid: ~A dashing businessman in his mid-30s, Trevor Grady stands tall, almost gangly. The gentleman wears sharp suits in solid and conservative colors. They compliment his short, light-brown hair tossed into simple styles. From behind a pair of designer spectacles, brown eyes rise with an easy smile, yet behind it lurks a shrewd intellect. A large but stylish Rolex is barely concealed under his left cuff. The handsome go-getter looks like he’s been on the cover of Forbes more than once, and a famous wink seems to confirm it.~

OOC: Appearance 4 (dashing); Glory 3, Honor 7, Wisdom 4

Glabro: ~Ouch. That tailor-made-to-fit suit rips at the seams when Trevor transforms. His body enlarges and thickens with a burst of beefy muscle. The glasses simply vanish. His hair grows shaggy and his eyes blacken, losing that spark of everyday delight. It’s still Trevor in there: just looks like a Trevor on too many steroids.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Glory 3, Honor 7, Wisdom 4

Crinos: ~Humanity is torn away with the clothing. This is a furry, bipedal wolf-beast with a fine brown coat and a white underbelly. Power and speed defines this towering monster. His canine muzzle is quiet and closed, though he heaves with predatory intent. Now, this is Serious Business.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Delirium; Glory 3, Honor 7, Wisdom 4

Hispo: ~The terrifying war-beast falls to all fours and elongates more like a wolf. But that hardly diminishes the giant ferocity of the Hispo. White teeth flash in deadly, barely restrained rage. Thick, brown fur bristles in anticipation of the kill. All pretenses at the advantages of humanity have been abandoned at this point. Now it’s time for the hunt.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Glory 3, Honor 7, Wisdom 4

Lupus: ~Trevor becomes almost indistinguishable from a very large dog. His brown fur is smooth and well-treated like a domestic animal. Only modest hackles run down his neck. Some white hairs due to discoloration (rather than age) blend well with his entire coat. Despite his predatory guise, a calm sense of pervasive command surrounds the noble beast.~

OOC: Appearance 4; Glory 3, Honor 7, Wisdom 4

"Innovation is the key to adaptation and adaptation is key to survival."



The Gradys were a promising family that lived in the Rolling Hills district of Kansas City, Missouri. Trevor was born in 1976, an only child. Trevor did not know his parents were Kinfolk to the Glass Walker Tribe of Garou and would not learn that until much later. His birth was not specially marked in any fashion. So, during his childhood, he simply lived like every other kid.

His folks, Webb and Delia, were well-to-do professionals but not exceptionally wealthy. They were both quite bright, and so Trevor’s own intelligence was cultivated from the very beginning. Of course, that meant he was a bit of a geek, a nerd. And his classmates were eager to let him know that. He put up with it for years. Finally though, he snapped. Some kids, when they’re bullied, cry and hang themselves. Some grab a gun and go on a shooting spree. Trevor…he changed into a 8-foot tall hellbeast and tore the bully in gory half. His butt-buddies ran screaming in terror, the Delirium erasing the specifics of the event. A terrible accident with an escaped mastiff was blamed, though the culprit animal was never found.

You Need a Badge

And Trevor didn’t stay in school after that. His parents knew what happened when their son stumbled home, bloody and naked and traumatized. He was given over to the Board of Jeremiah Industries (the local Glass Walker Sept) for “gifted education”. With private tutors, the young werewolf completed his academic education but also began to learn the ways of the Garou and especially the “family”. He learned he was a Philodox, and thus given towards management of personnel and maintenance of records. That included an extended collegiate education that granted him a Masters of Applied Science from MIT (a special arrangement JIC had with the university).

A part of the reason that Trevor’s tutelage took so long was a wait for other new Cubs. No other new Glass Walkers emerged in the city until Trevor was 19. This Ahroun, this future warrior, was rough around the edges and a bit of a brute compared to the lanky, bespectacled Trevor. Their Rite of Passage together was a lengthy test. They were to guard the JIC’s headquarters, a skyscraper, for up to a full year, or until they averted a major hazard or threat to the tower. Over the next few months, Trevor got to know his “security guard” partner, named simply Caleb Rout. They never really made friends. Caleb was always too overwrought and tended to harass everyone (not unlike what Happy was doing in Iron Man 3).

Finally, a “real” threat did come. A Glass Walker Ragabash from the Sept was sent to test them, and he slipped by their watch before giving them a teasing wink and disappearing down the corridor. The two chased after them, but had to be careful not to break the Veil around so many uninitiated human employees. Trevor helped find the trickster by mix-morphing his nose into a Garou nose, which he kept concealed while tracking the New Moon. Once he found the werewolf, Caleb cornered him and that was that. Test passed, Rite of Passage over!


Still, the elders scolded the pair for letting the Ragabash past in the first place. Trevor accepted it as constructive criticism but Caleb grew angry. Instead of being made packmates, Caleb was transferred out for “additional training”. Trevor never saw him again (though he heard that Caleb became an Urban Primitive). Meanwhile, the young Half-Moon adopted the “deed name” of Ten-Times-Eyes to reflect his ultimately successful bid at detection and awareness. He did not have his own pack so instead went to work for Helena May Jeremiah herself as a personal assistant.

For a few years, Trevor reaped the benefits of this apparently high rank, but soon realized he was just a glorified secretary. What was worse, there was no room for growth at all. He was too loyal to simply abandon his post, however. So, Trevor decided to think outside the box. He decided to develop something, some invention that would earn him a promotion. For months, he brainstormed and tinkered in his spare time. He knew tech. He knew computers. He could do this!

Finally, Trevor produced a new intercom/communication system inside of the JIC tower that was genetically coded for registered Glass Walkers and their Kinfolk only. It was essentially an Intranet system without computers and no outside access whatsoever. There was nothing to hack. It was strictly in-house. This way, no corporate outsiders could infiltrate their communication system. He admitted he got the idea ultimately from observing a Kinfolk secretary with diabetes self-administer her lancing test. Not a bad idea, at least back in the late 90s.

Grady X

Kudos to the Philodox! He went up in Rank, was given a fetish-watch, and was promoted to Vice President of Security Development. The new Fostern was honestly not the best inventor, but he proved to be an excellent manager of resources at hand. He encouraged other Glass Walkers and Kin to attune and direct their talents to the Sept and company’s needs. Ultimately, he turned out to be a superb executive.

Over the next several years, Trevor tinkered more and more in his free time. He designed or improved upon all sorts of different technologies, particularly of a security bent. These innovations combined state-of-the-art software with the hardware that older Glass Walkers appreciated. Trevor established his own wing company of JIC, which he called Grady X. He developed and sold (at a discount, of course) new tech to Glass Walker Septs abroad. The designs would be modified and optimized for each Sept’s territorial needs, and that was how Trevor made a name for himself. But he started thinking: wasn’t there more to it, being a werewolf? Wasn’t there more than just creating new toys that maybe, might be, possibly, some day used to fight the Wyrm and other threats? A lack of fulfillment began to settle in his gut and twist that predatory hunger that not even urban life could quell in his Tribe. Trevor set his eyes ten times more on a new future.


Level: 1
Gnosis: 4
Origin: This minor but prized (and attractive) fetish was given to him as a bonus for his work on modernizing the Sept’s technological innovation.
Description: It appears to be a gold Rolex wristwatch with a slightly enlarged face. It doesn’t have a normal clock of any sort, but instead the phases of the moon with clock hands indicating moon phases.
Effects: 1) Determine the exact phase of the moon; 2) Determine the Auspice of another Garou
Activation: 1) Automatic; 2) the watch is wound with a small knob, which spins the hands until the rest on the appropriate phase before returning to their normal function.

Battle Scars

Class: Superficial
Description: Burned keloid tissue
Location: Upper right shoulder
Origin: Fooling around in a chemistry lab
Effects: none

Significant Other

In September of 2006, Trevor first encountered Bonnie Rays. As a Philodox with some leadership responsibilities for JIC, he rarely went out on the front lines of the War for Gaia. Instead, he helped design better gear for the Ahrouns who did fight. Afraid he was becoming lazy, he called for a physical trainer. That was Bonnie, who was also Kinfolk. The two began their training, but soon Trevor fell for the beautiful young woman. They hit it off and enjoyed a few years of a fairly stable relationship. Unfortunately, his hesitation to commit to marriage as she desired caused them to separate – amicably. There was always the chance they would reunite, however, since they still worked under the same roof. Trevor kept his options open, as well as some deep soul-searching about his future as a potential husband and father. And finally, as he hoped, their relationship rekindled in 2011, with Bonnie apparently having a rather big change of heart: more passionate, more...wanton. Hmm, Trevor grows suspicious...



High-Powered Ambition

Trevor is competing in the big leagues against big and dangerous corporations -- not the least of which is Pentex. He's aware of the dangers (or thinks he is, how little he actually knows!) but presses hard anyway. A "hostile takeover" should be the least of his worries...

Likelihood of Corruption


Trevor contains his Rage well as many Philodoxes do. He's highly professional and intelligent. But that hardly immunizes him to the influence of the Wyrm and there is so much he doesn't know yet.


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