Leena Karsten

Skald of the Get of Fenris
Alpha of the Fangs of Shale
Athro of the Sept of the Moon Lake


Height: 5'9"
Weight: 151 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Medium simple auburn-red
Clothing: Black business casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Tall, leggy, beautiful, and intellectually elite woman
Supernatural Qualities: Of fine and likely noble breeding; yet, something disturbingly sinister dwells about her, a predatory glint in her eyes perhaps
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 4 (dangerous); Style 2; Pure Breed 3; Disconcerting; Glory 9, Honor 3, Wisdom 7

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 179 lb.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Medium wild dirty-blonde
Supernatural Qualities: Of fine and likely noble breeding that her thick musculature further highlights; yet, something disturbingly sinister dwells about her, a predatory glint in her eyes perhaps
Traits: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 3; Disconcerting; Glory 9, Honor 3, Wisdom 7

Height: 7'8"
Weight: 386 lb.
Eyes: Green
Hair: White fur
Supernatural Qualities: Of fine and likely noble pedigree, evident even in this terrifying shewolf-man form; something disturbingly sinister dwells about her, a predatory glint in her eyes beyond the typical werewolf rage
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 3; Disconcerting; Glory 9, Honor 3, Wisdom 7; Full Delirium

Height: 8'0"
Weight: 401 lb.
Eyes: Green
Hair: White fur
Supernatural Qualities: Of fine and likely noble pedigree, evident in this massive dire wolf shape; something disturbingly sinister dwells about her, a predatory glint in her eyes beyond the typical werewolf rage
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 3; Disconcerting; Glory 9, Honor 3, Wisdom 7

Height: 4'3"
Weight: 169 lb.
Eyes: Green
Hair: White fur
Supernatural Qualities: Of fine and likely noble pedigree as a large white wolf; yet, something disturbingly sinister dwells about her, a predatory glint in her eyes that discomforts even trained wolf-handlers
Traits: Appearance 4 (dangerous); Pure Breed 3; Disconcerting; Glory 9, Honor 3, Wisdom 7

"Oh, I have it on good advice that me and the boys here are going to rip your guts out."


Date of Birth: June 3rd, 1973
Home: Wolfenbüttel, Lower Saxony, Germany
Family: Ralf and Mathilda Karsten (parents), Reina (younger sister)
First Change: Preordainment (always a bright and serious young lady who focused her studies on history, and her Fenrir breeding emerged not from some moment of terror or fury but rather wonder: her very active imagination wandered into the myths she read all night long, yearning to be as Sif or Freya, until, while half-dozing, she realized she was the myth, running through the woods near home as a wolf), 1988
Mentor: Tilman Schild
The Test: Trial by Combat (a small local Fenrir Sept honed in on her quickly and a Rotagar elder taught her the ways of the Garou and their Tribe; he proved the only friendly face there at all, and prepared her for hard life among the chauvinistic Fenrir with "non-traditional" combat training so that she could hold her own against anyone, and she proved it during her Rite of Passage, a gauntlet of brawling)
Comrades: Reina Karsten, Solomon Thurston, Christianne Sankt, Katja Sankt, Burkhard Sankt, Candace Anderwood, Kurt Glitner, Stina Sagen
Key Event #1: Treachery (during her stay at this Sept of the Crushed Serpent, she found herself beset by sexist pigs who always delighted in "putting her in her place" and deflating her accomplishments as a brilliant Skald and storyteller; the Valkyrie camp saw this and tried to recruit her but she refused, intent on standing on her own before committing to a group)
Key Event #2: Personal Tragedy (she retreated into life at university as a student and later an adjunct professor, performing only the basic and required duties at the Sept, and she waited and bided her time for an opportunity to shine)
Key Event #3: War (the chance came when the Sabbat swept down from Brunswick into the Harz National Park where the Sept lingered; it was an all-hands-on-deck fight, later to be called the Waxing War, and she was glad then she refused the Valkyries because she would have been seen as an outsider; such as the fighting went, her sexist brothers found themselves desperately relying on her cunning mind and rallying confidence to beat back the monstrous leeches; her study of history included military history, which she employed to plan brilliant tactical assaults and ambushes)
Key Event #4: Personal Tragedy (however, the Waxing War endangered Kinfolk as much as the Garou and she feared for her sister's safety then and in the future, so once the war largely wound down in 2003, she opted to emigrate to the US with Reina in tow; picking up tenure as a professor at an American university and starting her Garou life anew)
Transition: Victory (her decisiveness and caution alike paid off; she excelled in the Sept of the Moon Lake, climbing the ranks and becoming alpha of a mighty Fenrir pack in the heart of the country, while also meeting the love of her life and seeing her sister grow up and become happy and successful)

Past Life

Magnitude: She can recall ancestors to the turn of the century; most of her knowledge of Garou heroes comes from study rather than racial memory
Details: She remembers most particularly being a female Fenrir who accompanied a pack of Garou colonists to Namibia, and how her ancestor's protest against the Garou's complicity in the Shark Island death camp (an effort to exterminate Bastet Kinfolk hidden among the Nama and Herero peoples) resulted in severe ritual punishment by her tribemates to silence her

Battle Scars

Class: Superficial
Description: A few small faint pock marks
Location: Right shoulder and clavicle
Origin: Silver bullets
Effects: none

Class: Superficial
Description: Four faint diagonal claw-shaped rakes
Location: Across her mid-back
Origin: A territorial pissing match against a deceit of Ratkin
Effects: none


Kinship Doll
Appearance: A small androgynous Raggedy Anne/Andy-like doll in a military uniform
Origin: Gift
Effects: Locate any attuned Kinfolk
Activation: She must hold the doll and concentrate on the Kinfolk she wishes to locate

Significant Other

Name: Solomon Thurston, 2004
Nature: Romantic


Killer Smile

Leena is brilliant, beautiful, and confident. Those qualities should be positive, but she embraces the spirit of the Valkyrie camp even if she defies membership: a sense of aggrieved shoulder-chip-burden.

Likelihood of Corruption


Though all Garou (particularly Get of Fenris) risk the Thrall of the Wyrm, she's too enamored with heroism to ever willingly turn down the path of corruption.


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