Siobhan Wilder

Theurge of the Fianna
Alpha of the Embers of Elan
Athro of the Sept of the Moon Lake


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 122 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: Black or white casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: A woman of high self-assurance and direct, deliberate intention
Supernatural Qualities: Her pride is well-grounded in an almost heroic pedigree; that same heroic verve instinctively terrifies lesser mortals
Accoutrements: A "tiara" (torc) on her forehead and fist-sized gemstone in her pocket but otherwise no jewelry or belongings
Traits: Appearance 4 (sensual); Pure Breed 4; Mark of the Predator; Glory 5, Honor 2, Wisdom 9

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 175 lb.
Eyes: Light-brown
Hair: Long wild dark-brown
Supernatural Qualities: Her pride is well-grounded in an almost heroic pedigree; that same heroic verve and bulging muscle instinctively terrifies lesser mortals
Traits: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 4; Mark of the Predator; Glory 5, Honor 2, Wisdom 9

Height: 7'4"
Weight: 361 lb.
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: Her pride is well-grounded in an almost heroic pedigree; that same heroic verve combined with the towering wolf-woman monster instinctively terrifies lesser mortals
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 4; Mark of the Predator; Glory 5, Honor 2, Wisdom 9; Full Delirium

Height: 7'7"
Weight: 383 lb.
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: Her pride is well-grounded in an almost heroic pedigree; that same heroic verve instinctively terrifies lesser mortals, especially given that she's a bear-sized wolf in this form
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 4; Mark of the Predator; Glory 5, Honor 2, Wisdom 9

Height: 4'5"
Weight: 131 lb.
Eyes: Yellow
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: Her pride is well-grounded in an almost heroic pedigree; that same heroic verve instinctively terrifies lesser mortals, as even common black wolves are apt to do
Traits: Appearance 4 (sensual); Pure Breed 4; Mark of the Predator; Glory 5, Honor 2, Wisdom 9

"Save it. I've heard all it before."


Date of Birth: May 14th, 1996
Home: Upper Missouri River Breaks National Park, Montana, United States
Family: Black wolf family in the park (parents, 2 siblings)
First Change: Observed Injustice (lived with her wolf kin, unaware of her future, content to live and hunt and survive in the forest parklands; ranchers began to blame cattle kills on wolves instead of the more likely culprit of feral dogs that humans themselves were responsible for, and they hunted her family pack; she discovered her mother frantically flailing, trying to escape a wolf trap, and just as she began to figure it out and went to release her, the hunters found them and shot them both; but the bullet did not kill her and instead spurred her first Rage, and she savaged those ranchers), 1997
Mentor: Eats-the-Heart
The Test: Trial by Combat (a Red Talon-dominant pack, the Northern Streak, found her, had been looking for her based on Splendid Cloud's soothsay, and took her under their protection, teaching her the ways of the Garou, and settling her Rite of Passage through simple trials by combat against her packmates--she didn't have to win, just put up a worthy fight)
Comrades: Eats-the-Heart, Splendid Cloud, Wallbreaker
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (once a Cliath in her own right, Siobhan--known as Stalks-the-Spirits then--found herself overwhelmed with curiosity and love of the spirit world and all creatures in it, such that she barely acted a member of the pack)
Key Event #2: War (she nevertheless aided her packmates, avenging her wolf family in the process, by hunting the hunters, stalking the ranchers/wolf-hunters back to their human homes and slaughtering them there or at least teaching them lessons of fear)
Key Event #3: Treachery (once while wandering the Umbra she encountered a human there, a mage of the "Hermes tribe" who demonstrated far too cavalier an attitude for the Penumbra and nature; to compound, he attempted to seduce her, she teased him, and then ran off with his personal "army" of spirits)
Key Event #4: Awe & Wonder (later, Stag called her to his home realm and gave the Theurge a vision of the Fianna fulfilling the role as ultimate negotiators in ending the rivalry between Garou Tribes, uniting them ahead of the Apocalypse, and that she needed to help her Tribe get ready to do its part)
Key Event #5: Awe & Wonder (her meanderings had taken her far across the country, far from the Northen Streak pack's territory, to the Sept of the Moon Lake, where she helped found a Fianna pack and, to her surprise she was declared the alpha; she also adopted a human name for the first time here)
Transition: Shift in Nature (beginning to get grounded, she agreed to serve more and more in an elder capacity in the Sept; she also met a potential mate, albeit a human--a Fenian, one of the "good ones" who do revere nature)

Past Life

Magnitude: Solid memory of almost entirely lupus ancestors dating back to the colonial era of America
Details: She remembers several Lupus heroes of old, who often sided with the Pure Land Garou during this ugly Second War of Rage

Battle Scars

Class: Deep
Description: Perfect circle of tiny bite marks
Location: Lower right ribcage
Origin: A lamprey-like Bane's bite attack took a whole plug of flesh out of her during an especially brutal melee in the Penumbra
Effects: Stings in the presence of obvious Bane spirits (+1 difficulty to tasks requiring concentration)

Class: Superficial
Description: Faint circular "bite" marks
Location: Left shin around to the back of her calf
Origin: She sprang a silver wolf trap laid for werewolves
Effects: none


Heart of the Spirit
Appearance: A fist-sized piece of rose quartz carved to resemble a human heart
Origin: Gift
Effects: Store and tap Gnosis, Rage, and/or Willpower
Activation: She must breathe onto the gem; as the condensation quickly fades from the facets, the energy is channeled

Torc of Wisdom
Appearance: A brass neck ring etched with ancient Garou glyphs
Origin: Gift
Effects: Temporarily boosts her Gnosis
Activation: The Garou word for "Wisdom" must be uttered after having attuned the fetish

Significant Other

Name: Elias Mathe, 2004
Nature: Erotic


Look Ma, No Hands!

Siobhan cares little for the success of the human race. In fact, she tends to agree with Red Talons and other extreme Lupus that the apes run too rampant. That said, she doesn't hate humans, nor human tools for that matter. She just (proudly) does without for the most part.

Likelihood of Corruption


She can sniff a Bane from a mile away and has a hair-trigger temper when it comes to these "true" minions of the Wyrm.


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