Kem Rez Loup-Meras


Elder of the Silent Striders
Full Moon of the Arake Loup Kumpania


Homid: ~Swarthy and lean, Kem is a man of Semitic descent, perhaps in his early 30s or so. Clad in loose, well-worn blue jeans, dusty, black traveling boots, and a hand-knit sweater of lamb's wool, he stands a sharp 5'10", and probably weighs approximately 150 pounds of well-toned and nimble muscle. He wanders with an almost regal stance, as if he were a king exiled from his own kingdom. His expression is inscrutable and darkened, as if a hovering cloud were raining on him personally every moment of his life, as if life were a pain to be stoically borne upon one's shoulders. Honor and duty certainly appear to be virtues this man holds dear, but by the aloof countenance, one might assume he follows his own code of honor. Long and wild dreadlocks drape like an earthy shadow about his roundish features. A streak of white pales one section of his hair right above his eyes. The dark hair also frames a constantly furrowed brow and weather worn cheeks. He doesn't stink per se, he simply smells of the road: dust, pollen, and exotic, far-off lands. His lips remain in an impossibly straight line, neither a frown or smile, at almost all times. Liquid brown eyes wash over the room, the depths of oceans crossed extending with his awareness, seeking new faces to acquaint, or conquer. A light traveling pack is slung over his shoulder.~

OOC: Appearance 2; Blood Purity 1, Pure Breed 2; Glory 10, Honor 8, Wisdom 3

Glabro: ~Kem's features grow almost caveman-like. His body expands (and the clothing with it) to nearly double his original body mass. Muscles ripple and teeth elongate slightly. His eyes take on a definite, golden-feral hue. His shoulders heave with barely repressed rage.~

OOC: Appearance 1; Blood Purity 1, Pure Breed 2; Glory 10, Honor 8, Wisdom 3

Crinos: ~In the fearsome war-form of the Garou, Kem towers 8'10", and weighs about 750 pounds -- most of that muscle and brown-copper fur, wicked claw and barbed fang. A killing machine, normal mortals can't help but blanch, most turning and fleeing, and even other supernaturals instinctively think twice about lingering. This crinos is tall, lean, and agile, and a tattoo is apparent on his underbelly now -- the glyph of the Ahroun, the full moon wolf, the warrior of a warrior people.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Blood Purity 1, Pure Breed 2; Glory 10, Honor 8, Wisdom 3; Delirium

Hispo: ~In Hispo, Kem is smaller but no less savage and deadly than he was in the vaunted war-form. However, he is not so much a lean, bipedal killing machine as he is a lean, giant wolf. A dire wolf of some 6 feet of length, and 500 pounds of dark copper fur and a drooling maw of lupine ferocity.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Blood Purity 1, Pure Breed 2; Glory 10, Honor 8, Wisdom 3

Lupus: ~In this form, Kem appears to be no more "harmless" than the average wolf. Leaner and smaller than most wolves, with exceptionally pointed ears. Perhaps he has jackal blood running in his veins. Extraordinarily swift and tireless, most normal (and intelligent) mortals would flee this predator as readily as they would his Delirium-inciting war-form.~

OOC: Appearance 2; Blood Purity 1, Pure Breed 2; Glory 10, Honor 8, Wisdom 3

"When battle comes, rest assured that I will be there first."



Kem was born into the Loup-Meras family of Gypsies kin to the Silent Striders, nomads in the Balkan states and Hungaria, in '73. Kem was raised on stories of the ancient world, on the Rom and Garou and the vile vampires. At fifteen years old, it was revealed that he was Trueborne Garou. It was a pack of nomadic Sabbat hell-bent on preying on Romani blood that spurred Kem’s First Change. And it was his hand (or claws) that helped turn the tide, because even Dancers of the Knives can only do so much against the undead.

First Change & Tutelage

But realizing the danger the cub posed to the kumpania while still untrained, the young Garou was sent to Sept of the Eye of Ptah in Casablanca to confirm his heritage and receive the proper upbringing. Kem’s sister, Cyrene, underwent her own First Change and was sent to the same sept two years prior. Through training under other Ahroun and attentive study at moots, Kem demonstrated great potential. And in spite of his blood’s urgings to wander the wide world, he stayed faithful to the Sept of the Eye of Ptah. There he remained for many years, becoming a well-respected Guardian of the caern and well-spoken thinker of Garou ways. In many ways, Kem was more like a Philodox than an Ahroun. However, his skill in battle proved that he was not a judge -- he was the hand of Gaia, the sword of the Mother. He did not learn the traditions to fathom their perfection in his society. He learned them out of love for his people and Gaia. He learned them so he knew exactly who the enemy was and so that his great strength and fury would be directed wisely, as Owl taught.

Early Years

While Kem showed his people great honor, Cyrene brought her people even greater honor. She was elected to lead the famous but doomed multi-Bete pack, Mongoose’s Paws. She was slain in the course of this great duty. A mature and locally renowned brother grieved her loss. Cyrene’s death made Kem question his own path. Was what he did enough for Gaia? Should he embrace his blood and wander afar?

Almost fifteen years after his First Change, Kem decided that no, it was not enough. The Sept of the Eye of Ptah was great enough that they were not short on supply of warriors. They could afford to lose one even as diligent, stoic, attentive, fierce, and deadly as Kem Rez Loup-Meras. His fearsome speed in which he dispersed his foes granted him the title of Khemi-Apep-Through-the-Wind. Splitting and piercing the lines of Wyrmlings in a whirlwind dervish’s blur of fury, he earned that deed name countless times in defense of the caern.

Recent Years

And so it was not until very recently that Kem decided he could ignore the urge to go on wanderjahr no more. Obtaining permission from the sept leaders and boarding the first Trans-Atlantic ship available, Kem traveled to America. The Ahroun did not linger on the East Coast. He found that, perhaps due to its heavy industrialization, there were far more cadavers than werewolves. He moved onto the Midwest, stopping eventually in Kansas City.

In the Kansas City area, Kem contacted both the Septs of the Moon Lake and the Memory Lane. But he did not join either. Instead, he investigated the city for rumors of a hyperbole of vampire infestation. In so doing, he joined up with a number of other supernaturals, including mages, who were as intent as he was in solving this evident conflict. For the next two years, Kem slashed and hacked his way through wave after wave of vampire alongside other hunters. Although he would occasionally return to his Romani homeland to meet with familia, and to Casablanca to report to his elders (and acquire Renown), Kem spent most of his time in this region.

It was here that he met a fellow wandering Rom, a beautiful young woman named Gezela Owzarek. Although not of the same kumpania or Tribe (she wasn’t even Lupine-related), the two fell in love. They enjoyed a traditional wedding and romance that continued for years, and his young wife raised their twin children. The pair lived in the city together, but Kem wandered beyond the urban dredge often. His wanderings led him to a connected city, Centropolis, where he discovered a budding Sept in the city suffering conflict with the undead and other spawn of Apophis. Hearing of problems with vampires of the Setite Clan especially, Kem presented himself to the urban Sept. There, his unique insights, high experience, and deadly war-skills earned him a spot as Herald. Although he lives in downtown Kansas City, he commutes to the Bread Crumb Theatre Protectorate almost daily. Now only time will prove if his resourceful mind and lethal skill will match or supersede his famous sister. The greatest difference between he and Cyrene -- Kem remained content with his station, working to further himself along the same path. Cyrene’s ambition took her beyond the standards of Garou society, embracing a vision sent by Owl himself of a sort Kem never yet received.


Tongue of the Leech
Level: 3
Gnosis: 8
Origin: This particular tongue was torn from one of Kem’s proudest kills: an Egyptian Setite of some power and age named Jareth Yot. Jareth was a vindictive ancilla, and plotted endlessly to destroy all Garou. His machinations sent a number of Banes and other foul enemies after selected werewolves. Unfortunately, he made the mistake of targeting Kem while Kem was associated with Hunters, Incorporated. Kem’s unusual allies helped track the attackers to their source, and Kem’s sickle took Jareth’s head after a brief and brutal confrontation.
Description: The Tongue of the Leech is a dried-up, severed, and preserved tongue from an actual vampire. It appears to be a thumb-sized piece of particularly nasty beef jerky. It has been pierced and a leather thong strung through it. Bronze dust was inlaid into the grotesque item, forming hieroglyphs of magical power.
Effects: 1) heal aggravated wounds
Activation: The Tongue of the Leech must be pressed to an injury and the Garou must utter the word for blood in Coptic ("haima") to activate the fetish's power.

Melengi Dand (The Dead Tooth)
Level: 4
Gnosis: 7
Origin: Kem's famous scythe-spear was given a make-over by a grateful Owl Lord. The weapon was sent to Erebus, where it was rebuilt with the finest quality befitting an Ahroun. Both the wooden shaft and silvered blade and tip are all but indestructible. The weapon was then bound with an Epiphling of Justice. This ensures the fetish can never be activated by a Wyrm-tainted enemy.
Description: The fetish weapon resembles Kem's famous arm in every way, complete with the shaft's button on the base of the butt that springs the blade outward to turn it from spear to scythe. The wood of unknown origin appears blackened yet hardened as a consequence. Garou glyphs are carved into the shaft, sprinkled with glittering silver dust. The blade and spear tip possess a miraculous quicksilver appearance, thanks to the silversmiths of Erebus.
Effects: 1) deal aggravated damage; 2) disrupts and banishes Wyrm-spirits if he can perceive them (opposed Gnosis rolls); 3) silver (note for effect)
Activation: 1) Kem utters the Roma word for rage: "diviou"; 2) through a Gift or Peeking, or simply in plain sight if he's on the same side of the Gauntlet, a swipe of the activated scythe towards the spirit enacts this.

Battle Scars

Class: Superficial
Description: One inch gash
Location: Top of his left hand
Origin: Jareth Yot’s foul Setite tongue
Effects: none

Class: Superficial
Description: Semi-circle tooth marks
Location: Backs of both legs at the hamstrings
Origin: Black Spiral Dancer’s Hispo jaws
Effects: none

Significant Other

Kem encountered Kata in the woods in 2004. She was busy trying to fulfill her Lupine kumpania’s role of reeling in Lost Cubs and presenting them to the Silent Striders. A Gangrel vampire fell upon her and the Cub; Kem in turn saved them both. After seeing to her return to the family, the two got close. Indeed, a few days after meeting, the two shared intimacies and passions. Kem’s mature and deeper affections bewitched Kata as much as her youthful innocence and charm captivated him. Kem is, in actuality, married with twin sons. But his family moved to Hungary. He saw his wife once a year at best. Such a marriage was doomed from the onset, considering the Striders’ nomadic ways. He finally divorced his wife, though continued to visit Gezela and their sons on an annual basis. He remains unmarried, although his affections for now belong to Kata. The girl is barren, and never expected to find a mate at all. But Kem is growing older, and a girl without expectations may be just what he needs.



Like most Silent Striders, Kem risks the anger (or just morbid curiosity) of the Restless Dead every time he crosses the Gauntlet. But Kem is haunted by more of an internal ghost. His sister dead by five years now still lurks in his thoughts. A spectral reminder of the great Garou he has yet to become, Kem is often plagued by dark dreams of his sister's fate.

Likelihood of Corruption


Unlike most Garou, Kem is fairly good at keeping his cool. Partly due to his Silent Strider upbringing and partly due to psychological aptitude, Kem does not easily fly off the handle like most Garou (and Ahroun especially) do. Still, a warrior that battles corruption risks being corrupted everyday of his life.


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