The Killer Talonite

Shadow Lord
House Blood Dancer
Full Moon of the Silvered Scars
Athro of the Sept of Azure Blood


Height: 6'0"
Weight: 175 lb.
Ethnicity: Mixed (Hispanic/White)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Short simple black (with black mustache)
Clothing: Black casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: A tall and charming man, handsome and suave, belying anything that could be construed as menacing; yet he will never utter his name, and anyone who knows who he is will only ever call him The Killer
Supernatural Qualities: And yet there is something off about him, and not just his proud comportment; something makes the tiny hairs on the nape of the neck rise up in his proximity, something seems to make shadows dance around him
Accoutrements: Light jewelry
Traits: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 1; Disconcerting; Glory 9, Honor 7, Wisdom 2

Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190 lb.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Short wild black (with black mustache)
Supernatural Qualities: There is something off about him, and not just his proud and muscular comportment; something makes the tiny hairs on the nape of the neck rise up in his proximity, something seems to make shadows dance around him
Traits: Appearance 2; Pure Breed 1; Disconcerting; Glory 9, Honor 7, Wisdom 2

Height: 7'10"
Weight: 390 lb.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: There is something off about him, and not just his proud and muscular comportment; something makes the tiny hairs on the nape of the neck rise up in his proximity, something seems to make shadows dance around him, if the massive "wolf-man" form alone didn't terrify viewers
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 1; Disconcerting; Delirium; Glory 9, Honor 7, Wisdom 2

Height: 8'0"
Weight: 415 lb.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: There is something off about him, and not just his proud and muscular comportment; something makes the tiny hairs on the nape of the neck rise up in his proximity, something seems to make shadows dance around him, if the massive "dire wolf" form alone didn't terrify viewers
Traits: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 1; Disconcerting; Glory 9, Honor 7, Wisdom 2

Height: 4'2"
Weight: 165 lb.
Eyes: Green
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: An intimidating, muscular, and large specimen of a black wolf with keen, shrewd eyes, but also something makes the tiny hairs on the nape of the neck rise up in his proximity, something seems to make shadows dance around him
Traits: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 1; Disconcerting; Glory 9, Honor 7, Wisdom 2

"You have to die now."


Date of Birth: October 13th, 1989
Home: Spring Valley Village, Houston, Texas, United States
Family: Santino Cabal and Lily Warbucks (parents)
First Change: Preordainment (born of a tryst between two Shadow Lords in Houston who didn't stick around, he was communally raised there in the Sept of the Star Talon, a place based off a unique spirit-mineral called talonite; despite lacking any noticeable deformity, he was still made to feel ashamed as Metis and treated poorly, called only "the bastard", like the unwanted orphan he was; his early life, trapped in his born shape of Crinos, involved him eager to join a seasonal hunt rite, and he snuck along behind, unconsciously shifting to Lupus to join properly, and he scored the kill), 1997
Mentor: Jesús Lain
The Test: Trial by Combat (his apparent overconfidence worried the elders, but they sent him onto the Rite of Passage anyway, ready not long after the Change due to his early life of exposure to Garou culture; he and other cubs of various Tribes participated in a simulated conflict of pack against pack in the wilderness, similar to capture-the-flag; during which, he struck out on his own and actually seized the flag, helping his pack win; they all passed but he was warned)
Comrades: Brisa Wister, Kirsten Wister, Raina Wister, Layla Races-the-Wall, Ruben Espina, Aitana Yepes, Kathryn Willis
Key Event #1: War (right off from the Rite of Passage, he struck out on his own as a talented trouble-shooter, not a Ronin but he floated from Sept to Sept in the Southwest and Texas, and later Mexico; he still never took a "real" name, identifying himself in moots only by his deed name)
Key Event #2: War (he earned his next Rank near Little Rock at the Sept of Motherstones, wiping out a family of hillbilly fomori; the ruthless efficiency with which he dispatched the enemies were as monstrous if not more so than their own cruelty, and the spirits began to whisper his name as a killer...and it began to stick as a name of sorts)
Key Event #3: War (The Killer next wandered back to Texas, stopping in Austin at request of the Sept of the Arid Plain to help deal with a DNA threat that was sending cyborg beasts at the Garou; the tough and long campaign earned him another Rank)
Key Event #4: War (his path finally brought him down to the famous and long-harried Sept of Shattered Fangs, the last hold-out of Garou near Mexico City; he provided combat support against the endless hordes of Sabbat vampires, and began to put the fear of the night back in the undead, taking scalps and leaving half-ashen whelps' bodies all over the state; his cold fury reinforced his reputation as "El Muerte" and his fourth Rank)
Key Event #5: Awe & Wonder (renowned for brutal efficiency, symbolic death displays, and a surprising resistance to corruption from within or without, combined with an abiding respect for local elders and traditions, kept the Shadow Lord Metis in high demand if not the highest respect)
Transition: Reassignment (the latest request: the Sept of Azure Blood in Puebla to help deal with their own Sabbat vampire problem, starting first with tracking down the fate of feared-dead Kin in the area; the job began to take longer than even Austin, so he ultimately joined a local pack and fit in with his usual disturbing [sociopathic] ease)

Past Life

Magnitude: Less than a century
Details: He recalls always being born under the auspice of the full moon, always a warrior, soldier, and killer, with vague memories of past battles and killing sprees of the Wyrm's favorite minions

Battle Scars

Class: Superficial
Description: Small pock or gouge mark
Location: Left cheek near the jawline
Origin: Silver bullet grazed his face
Effects: none


Dagger of Retribution
Appearance: A plain and ugly knife of simple iron
Origin: Gift
Effects: Track down stolen possessions (not people though) like a dowsing rod; also inflicts aggravated damage if activated
Activation: Grip the hilt in both hands briefly


He's a killer. He's the Killer. That's all anyone knows him as, that's all he does. He has no name, wants no name. He just wants to kill the Wyrm and all its minions. He is Gaia's brutal, merciless, and savage vengeance itself. When the heroes make their last glorious stand and fail Mother, he steps in from behind and slashes the enemy's throat and bathes in their blood.

Likelihood of Corruption


Homicidal mania is a beacon to the Wyrm and its minions. The only reason they haven't been able to corrupt him so far is that he has a superb nose for corrupt things. As soon as a Bane shows up to try to whisper evil in his ear, he steps sideways and slaughters it. At this point, the best the Wyrm could ever hope for is that he goes Ronin and starts murdering Gaian Garou and Black Spiral Dancers with equal delight.


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