Mitchell Baird
Voice of Mars

Adren of the Fianna
Gibbous Moon of the Embers of Elan
Assistant Overseer of Human Relations of the Sept of the Moon Lake


Homid: ~Mitch Baird provides an air of energy and determination wherever he goes. The young Caucasian fellow seems to be a healthy and muscled guy in his mid-twenties. He speaks with a mild Midwestern twang, his voice demonstrating confidence and persuasive talent. His fair-skinned features appear chiseled and even handsome. The only visible thing marring his anatomy, in fact, is how his fingernails always seem painfully chipped and cracked. Mitch prefers casual attire: name brand jeans, penny loafers, and a Polo shirt do just fine. He keeps his mouse-brown hair mussed stylishly. But he smiles little, favoring a more serious expression to accompany his glib speech. His ardent brown eyes fix others with deeply fed passion. He knows he can inspire friends with dire fire and persuade folly to fade to passing dreams. This is Mitch Baird, after all.~

OOC: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 1; Glory 6, Honor 1, Wisdom 5

Glabro: ~The Voice of Mars doubles his body weight when he takes the Glabro. This hulking brute gains a full foot of height, too. His hair darkens and grows longer and more hirsute all over. His meaty fists flex, opening and closing at the measure of some internal beat. Mitch's eyes turn yellow with spite and fury, forcing only the brave to test his wrath further.~

OOC: Appearance 2; Pure Breed 1; Glory 6, Honor 1, Wisdom 5

Crinos: ~Still bipedal, Mitch rises to some nine feet tall in his birthed shape of Crinos. Possessing a most lupine form, little humanity lurks beneath this muscle and sinew-bound monster. Head to toe his form is clad only in inky black fur. His belly is tattooed, the fur broken by pinkened skin twirled into the unique symbol of Metis, identifying his breed and nature to those who know Garou glyphs. But the rune gathers less attention than his baleful green eyes, a hungry gaze filled with cunning and malice. While his paws end with claws that are grayed and frail, his muzzle is filled with particularly sharp teeth honed to a deadly point. Watch out, this one's a biter...!~

OOC: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 1; Delirium; Glory 6, Honor 1, Wisdom 5

Hispo: ~A form Mitch highly favors, the Hispo is like that of a dire wolf from legend. It's as big as a horse and sheathed in midnight-kissed fur. Aggressive and vicious, this beast unleashes his fury and anger to stalk his prey. A cruel and focused green-eyed gaze leads him to that prey, so that he might sink those terrible teeth into its flesh.~

OOC: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 1; Glory 6, Honor 1, Wisdom 5

Lupus: ~Unlike most of his other forms, when adopting this handsome and strapping lupus shape Mitch actually appears relaxed and even lazy. The pristine werewolf perhaps finds some serenity in this sedate state. And the reason for his apparent laziness is observed whenever he walks. Ginger steps are taken as its broken nails pain the pads of its paws. The black-furred wolf's green eyes wince and even tear when he walks. Thus, he doesn't walk very much when in Lupus!~

OOC: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 1; Glory 6, Honor 1, Wisdom 5

"You're a funny guy. I've got a joke for you now. What's black and green and red all over?

Noooo, it's not your face. Close guess though."


The Mistake

Mitchell Baird was just a mistake. That was what everyone kept telling him, pretty much since the gibbous moonlit-night he was born in 1988. His parents, Kelly Bruce and Sally Fie, were both full-blooded Fianna. They served the Sept of the Moon Lake outside Kansas City together. Their copulation was just a drunken fling Halloween night. They tried to keep the pregnancy secret but that never worked in a close-knit familial society like the Garou. Soon everybody knew. Shamed, Kelly left the Sept. His mother planned to do the same, but first get good and drunk, then drown the metis cub she would bear along the way. Such a cursed creature would live in shame all its life. It wouldn't be fair. Fortunately, the Children of Gaia intervened and begged Sally to give Mitch up to the Sept to be raised there.

So that was where Mitch was reared. Kinfolk of both the Fianna and Children of Gaia Tribes looked after the Crinos cub. He was taught the culture, ways, and laws of the Garou Nation in anticipation of his inevitable Change. The Litany was emphasized in his tutelage, the Garou seeming to want to make sure Mitch knew early on that he was, in fact, a breach of the rules. A sin. He was never abused so much that he was kicked around or physically hurt.

But the emotional abuse of disdain, which was directed at his ashamed parents but fell on his shoulders, was constant. It was as if he was expected to make up for his parents' mistakes. Normally, this sort of environment might turn a metis into a frightful, raging beast. But his Kinfolk caretakers nurtured him, encouraging him to socialize with their own "normal" children. Thus, Mitch became a very sociable creature. In a good mood, the little werewolf was pleasant, affectionate, and even charming. Indeed, he seemed like a natural "actor". Though strange and disturbing, the metis cub was able to inspire joy or sorrow as readily as pity and spite. He was simply an animal full of expression.

But when the abuse was heaped on and he slipped into a bad mood, the metis proved spiteful and irate. His sharp tongue got him beaten by the elders more than once, though that punishment was standard -- not because he was metis, just a smart-ass. As temperamental as any Garou even before he knew how to tap his Rage, it was clear Mitch would not "lose the wolf" and fail to Change.

When Mitch matured enough into the equivalence of adolescence, his combat training began. He learned how to defend himself and how to fight enemies. He learned about the various rituals of the Garou and he was tutored on the nature of the Umbra and its spiritual inhabitants. Reverence for the Totems was emphasized, as if it was hoped penitence might make up for his parents' mistake. And one of that mistake's concerns became evident during his combat training. Whenever claw usage was emphasized, his sharp nails would snap and break. Their brittle nature was a minor deformity, but for a werewolf whose livelihood depended on how well he could defend himself, that was a dangerous loss. He would have no choice but to bite his enemies…which was not always desirable!

First Change

It happened in 1995. Mitch was minding his own business, running an obstacle course in the caern. A wolf cub that counted among the Kinfolk of the Sept was yipping and snarling at Mitch, mocking the metis. Since he was bred metis, Mitch understood human tongues and the language of wolves equally. And the wolf was scorning him. Mitch tried to ignore the cub, but the noise was worsened when a "fellow" Fianna of Lupus stock joined the wolf kin's mockery. Mitch tried to block it all out. The other Fianna, called Autumn Breath, probably would have continued but she was called away by duty. But the Kin kept at it. Mitch couldn't take it anymore and exploded in outrage. He charged the cub that tucked and ran. The metis Changed that moment, becoming the dire wolf killing machine of Hispo. The poor cub was run down and shredded.

Still frenzied, Mitch ran on from that site of slaughter. The elders soon heard of the event and sent hunters after the metis. They ran him down and subdued him viciously. The metis was dragged back to the caern and imprisoned in a silver cage for weeks. Meanwhile, the elders debated what to do about this. Should Mitch be punished? Would they have punished a cub of Homid or Lupus stock that did the same to their Kinfolk relatives? The Sept Leader, Righ Reece O'Dell, said no. His wise word was law.

Reece decided to disguise Mitch's Rite of Passage into Garou society as punishment, however. To make up for the loss of even one cherished wolf Kin, Mitch would have to undertake a special mission. Forest rangers collected a pack of wolves (who were most likely Kinfolk to the Garou) that wandered into the area and "endangered human settlement through overpopulation". They were held up in a pen not too far from the Sept. The mission would be dangerous, however, due to the number of armed rangers on security detail. The rangers were not to be killed, Reece warned Mitch and the other Garou sent to accompany him on this mission, and the Veil had to be maintained.

So Mitchell and the others sneaked into the pen. They sprung the wolves and rallied the frightened animals into the woods to escape back to the Sept. Mitch kept his Rage in check under the stress of the mission. Even when the rangers realized what happened, gave chase, and even shot at the Garou (who were all in Lupus), Mitch kept his cool. Though he was mildly injured by a rifle in the escape, the mission was still a wonderful success. Reece then revealed that this was the meat of his Rite of Passage. Right there on the spot, Mitch was forced to recite the Litany and sing the Fianna Record. Fortunately, Mitch was a bright boy. He managed to think past the fury of the wound he sustained and the adrenaline of the escape. His recital was flawless, as expected. Thus was he accorded a place in the Fianna Tribe and all Garou society.

Right Place

Though nominally accepted as a member of the Tribe now that he proved himself, Mitch was still scorned by many of his "fellow" Garou. Yet he was too much of a social animal to want to walk the path of the Ronin. He needed his Tribe, so Mitch decided to make them want and need him, too. For the next few years, the Galliard did his best to rally his Tribemates to confront dissenters in the Sept, particularly Shadow Lords. He earned his deed name of "Voice of Mars" during these bitter, aggressive days. His own fights were not enough to impress his Tribemates, unfortunately. He won some and lost some. Without reliable use of claws, Mitch would never be a great fighter. Of course, when he did win a battle, it was usually by merit of his jaws. He became notorious for exacting a "grip o'doom" with his bite attacks (not that anyone was ever killed in these fights).

When this avenue failed, Mitch turned his search for greatness inwards. He began to study to improve his mind where his body would fail him. Mitch memorized as many of the old Garou tales as possible to improve his performance of his Galliard duties. He performed old ballads and wove old tales in new ways at various Fianna ceremonies and seasonal rites. But that wasn't enough either. Reece appreciated the metis' devotion and determination, but even the Righ wasn't enough. Mitch needed everyone to appreciate his talents and skills. He wanted to be useful and not just a mistake.

Around the turn of the century, Mitch infiltrated humanity. He made little contact except as necessary with his Garou relatives awhile. What he knew of how human society worked came from the descriptions of his human Kinfolk caretakers. Their explanations helped immensely and he was even able to score a job as a waiter at various restaurants in the city. Mitch decided to explore the human condition more. He found that people were easily deceived. Men were readily inspired to self-righteous or jealous rages and women were easily seduced and cast aside. The silver-tongued Fianna had a good time in town manipulating people. A job as a bartender offered many such opportunities.

However, this brought Mitch back to the wonders of alcohol. Curious, the metis returned to the Sept and was drawn into a long, friendly conversation with Righ Reece about liquor. When Mitch voiced his interest in making his own unique brew, Reece decided to take the young metis under wing and teach him the secrets of Fianna moonshinin'! Much of it took place in the Umbra, Mitch realized, and he learned more about spirits related to alcohol. He even had a rather pleasant encounter with Grain herself. This drove Mitch to yearn for even more knowledge of himself and his own spiritual nature. He explored his dream-like connections to Fianna ancestors and his past lives. To his dismay, Mitch learned that he had always been metis! For some reason, he was always doomed to live out that curse. His bitterness nestled deeper still, but Mitch hid it well. He was earning his kudos with Reece and the Sept and he didn't want to spoil anything.


In fact, in 2001 Mitch was ready to challenge for the Rank of Fostern. He chose Autumn Breath, the Lupus who was long an antagonistic face in the Sept for Mitch. The Ahroun was more than pleased to get a chance to put the little metis in his place. Weaponless combat was the nature of the challenge. The two fought viciously, their old rivalry clear to Reece and the other elders who observed the challenge. Mitch was determined to win despite his handicap. He managed to wrap his jaws and that "grip o'doom" around Autumn Breath's neck. Though she clawed and savaged the metis, Mitch maintained the grip until, at last, the Fostern Ahroun submitted.

Winning the duel, Mitch was acknowledged as Fostern. And for the first time, Autumn Breath acknowledged the Galliard's worthiness. Pleased, Mitch dived back headfirst into his activities. He nosed around the Shadow further, bargaining with spirits for their secrets and aiding them in their endeavors for Gaia. Mitch also encountered various Banes, defeating or eluding the demons whenever he ran afoul of the beasts. Mitch discovered that Scrags were some of the more common Banes haunting the region. Those dangerous twisted and misshapen excuses for wolf-spirits were a constant threat.

And that gave Mitch a cruel, calculating idea. Defeating Autumn Breath wasn't vindication enough for Mitch. She, more than any other werewolf in the Sept, accorded him nothing but scorn all his life. He hated her as much as he hated the Wyrm. But now that she had been knocked down a peg, she might be willing to listen to his advice or suggestions… Mitch went to Autumn Breath and explained to her that a way for her to regain her pride as an Ahroun warrior, after being defeated by a clawless metis, would be the conquest of more Wyrmlings. Mitch knew of a pair of Scrags lurking into the bawn -- there were only two of them. Surely Autumn Breath could handle that?

Suspecting no treachery, the two Fianna entered the Umbra together. Mitch led her across the bawn and into a deadly trap. For the Scrags numbered not two but a whole pack of five. They were both outnumbered. Mitch promised to call for help by the Call of the Wyld and slipped out of the Umbra. Autumn Breath fought her best against the Scrags, but that promised help never came… Mitch returned to the caern, putting on desperate airs, reporting the ambush. Autumn Breath's spirit-body was later found dead. Mitch's betrayal was never suspected, but he was nonetheless dishonored for his poor judgment. But that was an acceptable price to pay for long overdue vengeance!

The Future

From 2003 on, Mitch mingled back into human society. He wanted to avoid Septmates' suspicion or worse, some sort of rigorous truthsaying method. Though Mitch had yet to give them a reason to suspect him of leading Autumn Breath to her demise, he would take no chances. He returned to working a variety of jobs, mostly service-related. In the process, he encountered (across the counter, so non-violently) what he suspected were Cadavers. Vampires, he knew, were abound in the city.

That brought on ancestral visions of a vampire elder. Long ago, in another life, he helped tricked this vampire and destroyed the elder's brood. Mitch's visage was remarkably similar to that past life, too. It seemed that destiny intended a showdown between Mitch and that vampire…if it still even existed. Mitch realized those visions were from centuries ago. And while vampires were immortal, they weren't invincible. Perhaps the elder was killed by now! While Mitch decided not to worry about it too much yet, the fear that a powerful member of the undead might fall on him kept him edgy.

Mitch knew he couldn't dwell in the city all his life. That fate could come to pass and he had doubts that he alone could defeat a vampire elder. Besides, he missed the greenery of the woods and prairie. Mitch decided he would work one last job for a few more months, and then return to the Garou despite the risks. He scored a career as a bartender again, but this time he was working for a surprising employer: Victoria Grey, Fianna Kinfolk. It was then that Mitch decided to woo and romance Victoria. He decided the best way to get even with his "fellow" Garou and put himself on par with them was to "possess" a Kinfolk mate. That way no one else could have her! This scheme of his, however, was complicated when he fell in love with Victoria... Now what?

Past Life

For Mitch, the connections to his many ancestors remain an everyday part of his thoughts and dreams. In fact, he can tap his past lives at will through his common daydreams. Of course, the disheartening element of his ancestral claims is that all of his ancestors were metis like him. Naturally, this proves that past lives among the Garou are a matter of spirit more than simple DNA (since metis are infertile!). But it also makes Mitch all the more bitter. What did he do to deserve being reincarnated as a metis time and time again? Whether back in Ireland or here in the USA, his soul's doom has always been to be born a Mule. Due to his personality and rancor, it's really no surprise that he channels the soul of Sea-in-the-Sky the most. She was a most cunning and clever speaker and trickster, and turned her skills to good use personally and for the Tribe. It was she who, long ago, slyly deceived a brood of foul vampires into a pub -- only to burn it down. Then she and her pack slaughtered the few who escaped the flames. Then their maker, the elder vampire called Robin Leeland, swore revenge for the death of his "merry men". And Mitch wonders if, every time he taps Sea-in-the-Sky, Robin's unholy powers leads the vampire to his enemy's current incarnation and location...

Significant Other

Player though he may be, Mitch never expected to be played. He fell head over heels in love with Victoria Grey when they met in late 2004. And there's one special reason for his infatuation. She's Kinfolk, she knows he's metis, and still she wants him! Him! Devoted to Victoria aka Toria alone now, Mitch even works for her in her pub as bartender. Mitch has the hope that she'll agree to marry him. He even wants to raise children with Toria. That, of course, means adoption. Now what can he do to arrange the adoption of a Trueborn infant…?

None of that worked out, because in 2009, Toria was murdered in her pub. She returned as a wraith, vengeful and spiteful, and blaming Mitch! He did his best to reassure her that he would have never hurt her, not even if he had frenzied, and vowed to help her hunt down the real culprits. All the while, Toria learned how to interact with the Skinlands and her former boyfriend more and more. A talent that'd come in handy when it came time to hurt those who hurt her.



Mitch has become a selfish man, craving his own satisfaction above deeds done for his Tribe or even Gaia. His anger and spite feed his self-serving schemes and manipulations. He isn't fallen yet, and would never serve the Wyrm only himself. But he's hardly the hero many Garou envision themselves as sometimes.

Likelihood of Corruption


Mitch is too hateful, too deceitful, to stay as pure as he should be for much longer. He will probably be caught in some scheme and thrown out of Garou society. Mitch will probably become a Wyrm-tainted Ronin.


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