Ka'im A'dab

Ghost Talons
Half-Moon of the Silent Striders
Fostern of the Sept of Azure Blood


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 128 lb.
Ethnicity: Middle Eastern
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple black
Clothing: Pink, tan, white, and/or black casual
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: Gorgeous woman apparently in her mid-20s with at least partial heritage of the Near or Middle East, and with a tendency to wear fairly flimsy and loose-fitting attire, showing off ample skin
Supernatural Qualities: She often seems distracted or preoccupied, perhaps with her pet dog who follows her faithfully everywhere; she seems to be of very high and noble breeding, slender in shape and high in cheekbone; she speaks infrequently, likely because she has a forked tongue--not from a body alteration split but very serpentine in nature, slender and flickering--perhaps she was "too well-bred"
Accoutrements: A crescent-curved knife sheathed at her waist; she has no leash or collar for her faithful companion, a sturdy white-furred American-breed bulldog named Ous
Traits: Appearance 5 (exotic); Style 1; Pure Breed 4; Glory 2, Honor 5, Wisdom 2

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 142 lb.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long wild black
Supernatural Qualities: She often seems distracted or preoccupied, perhaps with her pet dog who follows her faithfully everywhere; she seems to be of very high and noble breeding, high in cheekbone and tall in build; she speaks infrequently, likely because she has a forked tongue--not from a body alteration split but very serpentine in nature, slender and flickering--perhaps she was "too well-bred"
Traits: Appearance 4 (exotic); Pure Breed 4; Glory 2, Honor 5, Wisdom 2

Height: 7'4"
Weight: 329 lb.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light-brown fur
Supernatural Qualities: Her noble breeding takes a back seat to the ferocity and terror of this mighty shewolf-man form, made all the stranger and more frightening with that forked tongue that often lolls from her toothy maw
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 4; Glory 2, Honor 5, Wisdom 2; Full Delirium

Height: 7'7"
Weight: 345 lb.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light-brown fur
Supernatural Qualities: Her noble breeding takes a back seat to the ferocity and terror of this mighty dire wolf form, made all the stranger and more frightening with that forked tongue that often lolls from her toothy maw
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 4; Glory 2, Honor 5, Wisdom 2

Height: 4'4"
Weight: 139 lb.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Light-brown fur
Supernatural Qualities: Her noble breeding and odd tongue seem to conjoin their paradox in this shape, where it's unclear if she's an ancient and noble breed of wolf, or some sort of sleek jackal-wolf hybrid
Traits: Appearance 5 (exotic); Pure Breed 4; Glory 2, Honor 5, Wisdom 2

"I'm just passing through really, but I do have a message. For you, turns out."


Date of Birth: November 4th, 1997
Home: Casablanca, Casablanca-Settat Region, Morocco
Family: Zufar el-Salama and Tareefa ibn Uddin (parents)
First Change: External Supernatural Trigger (her parents were both Silent Striders and wandering Heralds who had an unplanned one-night tryst in Casablanca, and she was the result; Tareefa gave the metis baby up to the Sept of the Wheel of Ptah, where she was kindly raised by the other Striders, especially Sireen, and taught all she needed to know, especially the myths of the Garou; her First Change came not as a moment of rage but fascinated curiosity when a small cabal of allied Kinfolk mages visited the Sept, and she was enamored by the display of their magick), 2003
Mentor: Sireen el-Azer A'dab
The Test: Trial by Knowledge (Ka'im was also trained to be a Herald like her parents, and her Rite of Passage demanded a demonstration of all the basic skills of survival a wandering loner might need)
Comrades: Ous, Sireen el-Azer A'dab, Layla Races-the-Wall, Renata Laguna, Yolanda Naboa, Meli Moquino, Yaotl Cuetlachtli
Key Event #1: Awe & Wonder (realizing she was raised with the expectation few if any packs would even want her due to her metis deformity, she cheerfully took up her role as a Herald and wandered all over North Africa and Europe, often into the Penumbra, seeing the world far and wide and beyond)
Key Event #2: War (desperate ghosts guided her to the island of Crete; there she met her truest friend, Ous, a Dog-spirit that fought with her against a trinity of dark Bane spirits, demons seeking to raise an old demon from the bowels of the island; she sought aid but no Garou could help her)
Transition: Defeat (overwhelmed by the demonic Wyrm forces that she uncovered, she and Ous fled Crete; by the guidance of the spirits of the dead, she fled across the ocean to America, where Ous began to manifest physically; she began her Herald role anew, voyaging across the United States and eventually down into Canada, where she found herself more welcome than anywhere else since Casablanca)


Appearance: An ancient-looking knife curved like the crescent moon and carved from flint
Origin: Gift
Effects: Inflict aggravated damage against spirits and minions of the Wyrm, especially Setites and their ilk; can also drain Gnosis/Power
Activation: She must merely wield it with a trained hand.

Familiar Spirit

Name: Ous (Dog-spirit)
Role: Mystic Ally

Significant Others

Names: Layla Races-the-Wall, Renata Laguna, Yolanda Naboa, Meli Moquino, 2011
Nature: Companionship





Twisted Truth

Ka'im is neither a liar nor a villainess, yet she is often treated as such. Heralds already rarely endear a warm welcome due to the frequent bringing of bad news, so her metis nature compounds the bias.

Likelihood of Corruption


She'll be alright. She's got Ous to look out for her!


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