Amberly Palmer

Shadow Lord
House Blood Dancer
Galliard of the Quiet War
Fostern of the Sept of the Moon Lake


Height: 5'6"
Weight: 122 lb.
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Long simple brown
Clothing: Black or white clubwear
Comportment/Cadence: Confident
Distinctions: "Hot co-ed" comes to mind first with this lovely early 20s-something beauty
Supernatural Qualities: She may be a sorority chick but she's from a very fine family clearly
Accoutrements: Moderate jewelry, concealed weapons (including a pair of silvered knuckles)
Traits: Appearance 4 (sexy); Style 4 (street fashion); Pure Breed 3; Glory 4, Honor 1, Wisdom 3

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 143 lb.
Eyes: Light-brown
Hair: Long wild brown
Supernatural Qualities: With that musculature, she could be an Olympian athlete, but regardless she's from a very fine family
Traits: Appearance 3; Pure Breed 3; Glory 4, Honor 1, Wisdom 3

Height: 7'6"
Weight: 331 lb.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: Frightening shewolf-man monster with a disturbingly toothy grin
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 3; Glory 4, Honor 1, Wisdom 3; Full Delirium

Height: 7'8"
Weight: 348 lb.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: Terrifying black dire wolf the size of a small horse
Traits: Appearance 0; Pure Breed 3; Glory 4, Honor 1, Wisdom 3

Height: 4'1"
Weight: 136 lb.
Eyes: Gold
Hair: Black fur
Supernatural Qualities: A scary pure black wolf from the nightmares of Grimm's Fairytales
Traits: Appearance 4 (sexy); Pure Breed 3; Glory 4, Honor 1, Wisdom 3

"Sure. I'm just a girl, after all. What would I know about it anyway? Did you catch that? The eye rolls, the dripping sarcasm? Ass."


Date of Birth: October 3rd, 1987
Home: Tippecanoe, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
Family: Bert and Alisa Palmer (parents), Sasha (younger sister)
First Change: Personal Tragedy (she enjoyed a somewhat spoiled middleclass upbringing, always a popular and pretty girl, and all seemed to be going swimmingly until her boyfriend, Nate, got a little handsy on a date; she changed and ripped his throat out in a gory mess and ran for the hills, so to speak, where a Stormcrow located and notified the Shadow Lord-dominant Sept), 2005
Mentor: Leopold Kross
The Test: Trial by Influence (the Shadow Lords inducted her into the Tribe, teaching her all she needed to know about Garou life, and sending her out in a pack with a few other cubs to prove their skill against a fomori-infected backwoods family; Amber proved herself by fearlessly pretending to be a vulnerable girl that the fomori could exploit, and also by manipulating her packmates into taking the hits for her, though luckily all survived and the fomori slaughtered)
Comrades: Lev Micolovic, Giselle Yanovna, Sara Yardley, Janet Murkowski, Andrea Heller, Brigitte Hansom
Key Event #1: Treachery (though a full-fledged Cliath now, Amberly proved disinterested in Garou life or the War for Gaia; she returned to her mortal life to finish school and enjoy the comforts and potential influence in human society she could gain--and wield on behalf of the People, naturally)
Key Event #2: Treachery (she joined the Alpha Omicron Pi sorority in college at MSU and became the house mother in short order, proving far more ruthless than any of the girls who attended; she dragged her undergrad education out to maintain a veritable army of party girls like a suit of armor)
Transition: Victory (her work began to pay off, as all her friends provided connections to all walks of life in town, and levers of power to potentially pull; on top of which, Amberly hooked up with a Shadow Lord Kinfolk criminal overlord in town, who provided the illegitimate link she needed for a complete array of influence)

Past Life

Magnitude: She can recall past lives back to the turn of the century if she concentrates hard enough.
Details: Her dominant past life, known as Breath-of-Night, is hostile and scornful of the life Amberly leads today, and consequently harasses her whenever she taps her racial memories--and occasionally her dreams or even trips into the Umbra

Battle Scars

Class: Superficial
Description: Keloid bundle the size of her thumbnail
Location: Upper right outer thigh
Origin: An incendiary 9mm round taken while fighting with Lev against his arms smuggler competitors
Effects: none


Names: Sara Yardley, Janet Murkowski, Andrea Heller, Brigitte Hansom (core Alpha Omicron Pi college sorority lieutenants or "aunts" that she's convinced to drag their education out and stay with her)
Roles: House Servants

Significant Other

Name: Lev Micolovic, 2005
Nature: Erotic



Amberly's ambitious, sexy, and smart. She's a catch even if she's somewhat amoral and licentiously disaffected. That's because she's so much more than "another scheming Shadow Lord". Her mind works on multiple levels at once. Luxury isn't the goal; it's the reward for the work she does, which she rightfully and proudly claims.

Likelihood of Corruption


She plays with fire. And she literally plays with firepower when it comes to her affair with Lev. Her manipulation of her classmates and people in general will inevitably earn the unwanted attention of very corrupt entities.


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